Educational Technologies and Statistical Analysis Office

This office is responsible for doing research on e-learning trends to apply in the SFL context and shares this information with the Directorate as well as instructors. Creating online learning materials in cooperation with the CDO and managing the content and structure of the SFL website besides the grades and attendance sheets on the YTU SFL Moodle Platform are also among the core responsibilities of this office. In terms of educational technology, ETSAO also manages the content and structure of the YTU SFL Moodle Platform as specified by both departments of the SFL.


In addition to the responsibilities above, ETSAO is also active in assisting other offices with the analysis of data collected through questionnaires and tests (and exams) during the term. Depending on the needs/demands of the offices the ETSAO conducts relevant analyses of the quantitative and qualitative data. The office provides support for both preparatory programs and Advanced English Program when and where needed.


When there is a vacancy in the ETSAO, an announcement is made to invite instructors interested in the post. The applicants are expected to have a minimum of two years' experience at YTU SFL. Ones who have statistical knowledge and /or an MA or PhD are preferred.